Guy Wears Logo mark.png

Founded in 2020

Why shouldn’t men be objectified too?

I started Mr Codo in response to all the gratuitous images of women you would see in the art world. As a gay man I appreciate a set of abs like the next gay, but you rarely see good art which appreciates the male form, without being a little on the ‘tacky side’ and expecting some dodgy greek statue or fresco on Liberace’s wall.

I take images of men taken from the gay press and turn them into collages. Often putting odd pairings together to create an unusual scene, a different take on a ‘fantasy’ or just old classic voyeurism.

I use coloured acetate and frames as a lens to look at stereotypes giving them a focus. I also upcycle classic, vintage or machismo imagery with a modern and irreverent take.

Whatever you think of the art in the end, they are some hot guys you can put up on your wall, call it ‘art’ and get away with it; girl or boy!

So why not support local and buy a piece?

Love, Mr Codo.